Holy Beast From Pangoo!
The signed SquickerBooks have all sold out! Less than 24 hours after sending the SquickerStore Grand Opening announcement out to our exclusive SquickerClub members (see homepage for sign up) all signed SquickerBooks had flown off of our proverbial shelves! We hope to have more to offer after Fan Expo Canada. Fingers crossed!
If you didn't get a chance to get yours before they were all gone, sign up to the SquickerClub (homepage) and be the first to know when they go on sale. We will send out an email direct to your inbox with any SquickerNews, Announcements or Deals.
In the meantime, there are still unsigned, limited copies of The Prequel and The Demise of Selma the Spoiled available at our SquickerStore here at
Get yours while supplies last!